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Saturday, November 10, 2007

Addiction vs Expectation...

I was watching a tv programme and it was talking about addictions. She said addictions can never end well.

Is this something we already know??

If it is, then why are we all addicts?? Whatever our addiction may be...ciggies, drink, tv, drugs, exercise, someone else...

What will become of us in the end? If we do get over one addiction, chances are we'll just replace it with another..that's sort of the unwritten rule about it all isn't it?

Why is it we that we need a vice to feel better?

On another note, a particularly used saying has been going through my head recently...Familiarity Breeds Contempt..

I've been wondering about this...is this true? Or could it be that expectations inadvertedly increase exponentially the longer you know someone?

Why is it that some people find that they can no longer please others even though on the surface it seems nothing has changed?

Did something change? Did anyone? Or is this just the nature of things? Is it true what they say..everything and everyone in our lives are merely ships that pass each other in the night??
