According to him, he is taking an "early half-retirement". I have no idea that phrase existed but to be fair, it sounds bloody excellent. My mum wants to retire in 2 or 3 years and if posible, she wants my sister and i to run the company for her.
She commented however that i would probably not want to do that because apparently, once you get used to the big corporate life, you can never leave.
Is she right? Is it possible to be stuck in the rat-race and paradoxically, not ever wanting to leave?
Everyone around me is working like a madman. I wonder if the pressure we're succumbing to is making us forget that there are other things we should focus on as well. But how could we possibly focus on anything else when work takes up about 80% of our time and sleep (or the attempts to) take up the other 20%?
What about our friends, family, partners? Have they by default been put in the back-burner?
When my mum told me about her retirement plan, the first thought that came to my mind is that i'll do it in a couple of years. When she told me about the trap corporate put on us, there was this tiny part of me which thought that maybe there was some truth in that.
But was almost immediately replaced by the (relieved) knowledge that i would do anything for my mum...
I think there's nothing worse that thinking you're stuck in a trap and not being able to get out. We are lucky enough in that we have choices. Not only that, we have the opportunity to actually realise those choices should we wish to. All we need is a little courage...
Anyway, found a couple of excellent pictures on the net which i think can depict a person's world if they let it...
1) - letting everything pass you by..
2) - the utter frustration we feel sometimes that we just want to tear our hairs out (sorry, it is a little freaky :))

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