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Monday, September 8, 2008

Painful Mondays...

This was actually written on Monday evening but due to severe Monday blues, was only completed on Tuesday..

Omg i can't believe how severe my Monday blues is today. I mean seriously...i thought it was only one of those things you suffer from if say..you had a really big weekend (i.e. too much to drink which resulted in you either behaving like a drunken idiot or spending the night praying to the porcelain god), or have had a long weekend which began with you managing to convince yourself that you don't have to work for at least another week or so (in reality, 3 days).

But here i am, with a terrible case of it and i didn't even go out last weekend! (mine is usually due to the first reason). All i did was went to my parents for a barbecue dinner (they bought the smallest pit in the world which amazingly enough, not only cooks for 7, but they tasted awfully yummy as well), went furniture shopping (why does this particular chore seem to last forever??), and spending the rest of the time thinking about the green-slip-pink-slip question.

Aaahhh...green slip pink slip...that is the question. But i won't go into that right now just in case the donkey police are monitoring blogs.

So anyway, it had been awhile since i've updated my blog. I'm not sure if that's because i've run out of things to say, or i've got so much that i feel tired just thinking about blogging them all.

Anyways, i'll stop here. Will moan again soon.

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