Was when you left us for a better place.
I hope you know what an impact you've made in the lives of everyone who knew you.
How much tears were shed from the thought of you not being there anymore, and how much we'll miss you.
How much it'll hurt even more once we've come to accept the fact that you're gone.
We'll always have you in our hearts. We will always wonder why you were taken from us so soon. And we will always miss your presence with the realization that things are not the same without you. We are not the same without you.
Maybe you were just too good for this world.
May your soul rest in eternal peace.

she's my cousin-to-be (i'm cousin to her fiance). just met her last 2 weeks before she go back to Tawau. may she rest in peace..
babe... i miss her... al-fatihah
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