I've been getting quite a few emails about the theft that's been happening nowadays so thought i'd post it up for those who read this.
Be safe people. Like my dad always says (in all of his many lectures), you must be aware of your surroundings at all times. Be careful about where you walk, especially at nights and nowadays, you have to even be careful when you're driving.
My sister had her handbag snatched from her about a month ago and about 2 days later, a friend of mine was telling me how she just about managed to escape the same fate.
I was in a bank not too long ago and an elderly woman came in asking to use the phone to ring the police. Apparently she was in her car and 2 guys on a bike pulled up next to her and literally opened the passenger side door and grabbed her bag!!!
These things are getting worse by the day and unfortunately, the chances of catching anyone are extremely slim.
So please beware....
...my friend was robbed last week ....while she was driving !! She withdraw $$ from Public Bank Bangsar...got into her car and she had a friend in the passenger seat with her...she was driving up Jln. Maarof and was waiting amongst traffic because of the traffic lights in front of Bangsar Shopping Centre. Next thing a Malay guy smash her back window in her car...got into the car through the window and grab her handbag and hop onto an awaiting bike and sped off. And this is in broad daylight ...4pm in the presence of everyone! and no one helped her!
...I had a terrifying experience yesterday evening and I want to share with you. At 8pm yesterday, at the Damansara toll plaza, heading towards the city, I was suddenly "intercepted" by an old dark coloured, ill-mantained 3-series BMW.
The vehicle stopped almost slantwise in front of me. A young, thin Malay man possibly in his 20s alighted from the car with a parang in his hand. As soon as I saw him with a weapon, I sped towards Damansara Utama with the intention of going to the nearest police station. He trailed me violently weaving in and out traffic and waving the parang on one hand asking me to stop.
There is also another man in the passenger seat, (I can't tell his look). They sped off after I made the turn off towards D'sara Utama. Upon reaching the police station, I was calmed down by several policemen, who claimed that this is an attempted car jack and it happened almost everyday in and around D'sara Utama because of the accessibility of roads leading to many areas.
This is also where Dato' Lee Hwa Beng was carjacked 2 months ago. The police also claimed that carjackers would go for less luxury cars today and robbers tend to target people who has withdrawn money from ATM machines. I hope to remind all friends to be more alert and careful while you are on the road, coming out from the banks and even at petrol stations...
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Friday, June 15, 2007
Moan, Complain, Whinge and Whine...
I've just had one of the most difficult days at work (please note the subject of this blog so that's all you're gonna get). For one thing, i am the sole person responsible for the system (now we've including the system for Secretaries as well, which we are the sole custodian for), whereas before this, there were always 2 people responsible for it.
And to be honest, it's driving me absolutely insane. It's probably ok if it's the only thing in my job scope but obviously it's not. Not only am i not from an IT background but i now have to deal with our outsourced IT provider and the team consists of a bunch of people who can hardly speak a word of english (their technical competency seem to leave a lot to be desired as well).
So this morning i had the luxury of some pity-me time and sat in the bathroom and cried. Saying that though, i felt a lot better after although for the rest of the day i felt like any little thing could've set me off if i let it.
And you know, i know everyone's feeling the stress and the pressure and i'm no exception but you know sometimes, i just wish things weren't soooo stressful...
I know it's ok and most of the time we just get on with it so i guess all i'm doing really is what the title says...*sigh*....
We're having a unit meeting next week to discuss our work for the year and i'm planning to propose that someone from the unit take this up as well. I really can't do it on my own...not if i'm planning to meet my other objectives as well.
This will kill me and i hate looking like an incompetent idiot. And this is where the root of the problem lies...maybe some of us set too high an expectation on ourselves that even we can't achieve. Maybe the stress we're feeling is not imposed by anyone but us...
And i think letting yourself down is probably the worst feeling...
Ultimately if you let someone else down, you're actually letting yourself down right? You feel guilty/ashamed (whatever) about disappointing that other person but you feel more angry at yourself for doing it...right??
Whatever, whatever, ramblings late at night. I'm done now, feel much better :). Have a great weekend peeps!
And to be honest, it's driving me absolutely insane. It's probably ok if it's the only thing in my job scope but obviously it's not. Not only am i not from an IT background but i now have to deal with our outsourced IT provider and the team consists of a bunch of people who can hardly speak a word of english (their technical competency seem to leave a lot to be desired as well).
So this morning i had the luxury of some pity-me time and sat in the bathroom and cried. Saying that though, i felt a lot better after although for the rest of the day i felt like any little thing could've set me off if i let it.
And you know, i know everyone's feeling the stress and the pressure and i'm no exception but you know sometimes, i just wish things weren't soooo stressful...
I know it's ok and most of the time we just get on with it so i guess all i'm doing really is what the title says...*sigh*....
We're having a unit meeting next week to discuss our work for the year and i'm planning to propose that someone from the unit take this up as well. I really can't do it on my own...not if i'm planning to meet my other objectives as well.
This will kill me and i hate looking like an incompetent idiot. And this is where the root of the problem lies...maybe some of us set too high an expectation on ourselves that even we can't achieve. Maybe the stress we're feeling is not imposed by anyone but us...
And i think letting yourself down is probably the worst feeling...
Ultimately if you let someone else down, you're actually letting yourself down right? You feel guilty/ashamed (whatever) about disappointing that other person but you feel more angry at yourself for doing it...right??
Whatever, whatever, ramblings late at night. I'm done now, feel much better :). Have a great weekend peeps!
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
I had a Dream....
I made a pact with myself not long ago that i will not sacrifice yoga for work anymore. As it is, it's pretty much the only physical activity i do (other than falling over at the weekend haha) and it's something that i love and find peace and serenity in those 90 minutes.
It's an effort to leave early sometimes (what with work demands and all that) but sometimes (for me on Tuesdays) you just have to say fuck it and leave. It will all still be there tomorrow (no matter how much you will it not to). And to be honest, by the time i get home, i am physically and mentally exhausted and sometimes the last thing i want is to stretch (no pun intended haha) myself even more.
But forcing my arse in gear to head there anyway always comes with benefits. The general well-being i get after a gruelling session of yoga is excellent. The peace of mind and the harmony that your mind is tuned to your body is uncomparable...
And at the last session, i actually accomplished something :). I got up to do a headstand on my own!!! I've been doing the headstand for a while now but always with assistance. I can't for some reason teach my body how to do it on its own. But i did yesterday..well, very nearly anyway. I was told by my yoga instructor that my body is very much ready for the posture, i've just got to get out of the habit of relying on that helping hand.
This is why i love it. Even after having done it for a few years, there are still things to achieve, things to learn. And you can actually track the progress of your body, track its changes, track its strength. And track your ability to do something you've tried but never able to do before.
So to those who are thinking whether or not to pick up yoga, i definitely recommend it. It's the one thing i've stuck to doing consistently (unlike any other aspects of my life, unless you count smoking and drinking).
By the way, this is a headstand (so not me by the way) :)
It's an effort to leave early sometimes (what with work demands and all that) but sometimes (for me on Tuesdays) you just have to say fuck it and leave. It will all still be there tomorrow (no matter how much you will it not to). And to be honest, by the time i get home, i am physically and mentally exhausted and sometimes the last thing i want is to stretch (no pun intended haha) myself even more.
But forcing my arse in gear to head there anyway always comes with benefits. The general well-being i get after a gruelling session of yoga is excellent. The peace of mind and the harmony that your mind is tuned to your body is uncomparable...
And at the last session, i actually accomplished something :). I got up to do a headstand on my own!!! I've been doing the headstand for a while now but always with assistance. I can't for some reason teach my body how to do it on its own. But i did yesterday..well, very nearly anyway. I was told by my yoga instructor that my body is very much ready for the posture, i've just got to get out of the habit of relying on that helping hand.
This is why i love it. Even after having done it for a few years, there are still things to achieve, things to learn. And you can actually track the progress of your body, track its changes, track its strength. And track your ability to do something you've tried but never able to do before.
So to those who are thinking whether or not to pick up yoga, i definitely recommend it. It's the one thing i've stuck to doing consistently (unlike any other aspects of my life, unless you count smoking and drinking).
By the way, this is a headstand (so not me by the way) :)

Monday, June 11, 2007
Monday blues..?? Nope, it's a HANGOVER!!!!
OMG, how much do i feel like crap today??? There i was, having an amazing night drinking vodka and champagne and feeling just fine and dandy. Until the alcohol got the better of me and i stupidly and arrogantly (mind you, to justify myself, it was the alcohol talking!!) took up a challenge to drink what looked like a freaking huge fish bowl filled with champagne...with 9 straws (not too sure what's the significance of 9 but that's soooo not the point here)!!!
To be honest, i don't remember too much about doing it but apparently i guzzled it like a sailor fresh out of sea...and that was the last recollection for the night..
I was found passed out in the toilet and the rest as they say, is history....literally. But i'll fill you in from what S told me. Apparently i was carried out of 21, (thank God only our friends were there) and S had to drive home. We had to stop half-way there cause i threw up in the car and he said at one point, for a split second, he thought i was dead i was that comatosed.
Got to his place and i threw up again in the toilet, this time i managed to puke not only in the toilet but all over my hair as well. He then went downstairs to clean the car up. Came back upstairs, found me passed out on the floor with puke all over myself and proceeded to dump me in the shower and then to bed.
I woke up feeling ok for the first 10 mins until the extent of my debauchery found its way into my physical and mental consciousness. Went for a swim to help clear up my very painful head (and every part of my body) but that only last for about 10 mins as well.
Suffice to say, i was utterly useless yesterday. We were supposed to go shopping and a massage but had to cancel both. S even had to get a take-away for lunch cause i was in no shape to leave his very comfy sofa....apparently his sofa has never experienced so much usage before hahaha!!!
So here i am, Monday morning and i am not experiencing Monday blues but a severe Monday hangover. I will finish up what i need to today and leave early and take Chicky Cooper for a proper wash later this evening....then sleep and hope tomorrow's a better day :)
To be honest, i don't remember too much about doing it but apparently i guzzled it like a sailor fresh out of sea...and that was the last recollection for the night..
I was found passed out in the toilet and the rest as they say, is history....literally. But i'll fill you in from what S told me. Apparently i was carried out of 21, (thank God only our friends were there) and S had to drive home. We had to stop half-way there cause i threw up in the car and he said at one point, for a split second, he thought i was dead i was that comatosed.
Got to his place and i threw up again in the toilet, this time i managed to puke not only in the toilet but all over my hair as well. He then went downstairs to clean the car up. Came back upstairs, found me passed out on the floor with puke all over myself and proceeded to dump me in the shower and then to bed.
I woke up feeling ok for the first 10 mins until the extent of my debauchery found its way into my physical and mental consciousness. Went for a swim to help clear up my very painful head (and every part of my body) but that only last for about 10 mins as well.
Suffice to say, i was utterly useless yesterday. We were supposed to go shopping and a massage but had to cancel both. S even had to get a take-away for lunch cause i was in no shape to leave his very comfy sofa....apparently his sofa has never experienced so much usage before hahaha!!!
So here i am, Monday morning and i am not experiencing Monday blues but a severe Monday hangover. I will finish up what i need to today and leave early and take Chicky Cooper for a proper wash later this evening....then sleep and hope tomorrow's a better day :)
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Damn, talk about stress central!!! Everyone in the office is under a massive amount of stress at the moment. You can see it in their faces, the way they talk, the pace at which they walk...you can even feel it as a general vibe around the office!!!
For my department this is due to reasons which can actually be accounted for...crap management from useless managers, slave drivers, and the driving of initiatives after initiatives from those who are under pressure to do so.
Whatever it is, it's changing the work environment. People are tired from lack of sleep (or dreaming about work when do sleep...holy shit...!), edgy and moody from not seeing enough of their loved ones, annoyed and frustrated from having to deal with seemingly incompetent people who make you think how the hell were they contracted to do something this big a job for the company in thr first place.
It's difficult not to get sucked into the whole thing really. Unless you don't really give a shit about where you stand in the organization, you can't help but be pulled into this whirlpool of initiatives and whatever else is being thrown at you.
I guess you just have to be careful it doesn't get you down too much.
I'm off to Star*ucks now for a good dose of very strong caffeine and a stimulating bitch session :)
For my department this is due to reasons which can actually be accounted for...crap management from useless managers, slave drivers, and the driving of initiatives after initiatives from those who are under pressure to do so.
Whatever it is, it's changing the work environment. People are tired from lack of sleep (or dreaming about work when do sleep...holy shit...!), edgy and moody from not seeing enough of their loved ones, annoyed and frustrated from having to deal with seemingly incompetent people who make you think how the hell were they contracted to do something this big a job for the company in thr first place.
It's difficult not to get sucked into the whole thing really. Unless you don't really give a shit about where you stand in the organization, you can't help but be pulled into this whirlpool of initiatives and whatever else is being thrown at you.
I guess you just have to be careful it doesn't get you down too much.
I'm off to Star*ucks now for a good dose of very strong caffeine and a stimulating bitch session :)
Friday, June 1, 2007
Tale of the day off...
Morning, morning....it's a glorious morning yeay!!!
Day off today which is heavenly (although it almost feels like i've got a cold coming or something..) but never-you-mind i still say. To be honest, i have tonnes of work still pending but i've had a good week at work and feel like just leaving it all for next week (well...most of it anyway..there's still some reading to catch up on).
So what will i do today...hmmm....
I'm planning to buy my new baby tomorrow which means i'll have to dig into my savings a bit (ooppss...but i'll make up for it i promise!!!), so i've got to go to the bank today. A heavenly massage booked for 1pm yeay!! My body's feeling all tingly just thinking about it.
I had what can probably be counted as one of the best sleeps in the history of mankind. Dreamless and restful. I woke feeling like i couldn't sleep anymore, not the usual "omg is that the time ALREADY??" kinda thing which i usually get in the mornings.
Oooh i've gotta send some clothes for dry-cleaning. I'm telling you people, discovering the joy and convenience of dry-cleaning is like discovering thongs...or colour screen phones...you just can't go back. No more hand-washing crap (although i don't actually do them myself but that's so not my point here). For a small amount of cash you can have your outfits cleaned and pressed to perfection...excellent!! AND all you have to do is drop them off and pick them up again a couple of days later...how great is that???!!!
Had a quick coffee with my ex manager and colleague yesterday and someone suggested that maybe i should try my hand at Marketing. Apparently all you need is the desire to learn and work hard. Which i don't think i have any problems with...hmmm...definitely something to think about i reckon. I am extremely tempted solely on the basis of experiencing something new. After all, what have i got to lose right?
If anything i have everythng to gain...and if i find that it's not for me, i can always change skill group again. Then at least i can say that i've tried it and didn't like it...right?? Oh well..i'll ponder on it and see how it goes.
Alright peeps, time for me to get my day started.
Have a great day people :)
Day off today which is heavenly (although it almost feels like i've got a cold coming or something..) but never-you-mind i still say. To be honest, i have tonnes of work still pending but i've had a good week at work and feel like just leaving it all for next week (well...most of it anyway..there's still some reading to catch up on).
So what will i do today...hmmm....
I'm planning to buy my new baby tomorrow which means i'll have to dig into my savings a bit (ooppss...but i'll make up for it i promise!!!), so i've got to go to the bank today. A heavenly massage booked for 1pm yeay!! My body's feeling all tingly just thinking about it.
I had what can probably be counted as one of the best sleeps in the history of mankind. Dreamless and restful. I woke feeling like i couldn't sleep anymore, not the usual "omg is that the time ALREADY??" kinda thing which i usually get in the mornings.
Oooh i've gotta send some clothes for dry-cleaning. I'm telling you people, discovering the joy and convenience of dry-cleaning is like discovering thongs...or colour screen phones...you just can't go back. No more hand-washing crap (although i don't actually do them myself but that's so not my point here). For a small amount of cash you can have your outfits cleaned and pressed to perfection...excellent!! AND all you have to do is drop them off and pick them up again a couple of days later...how great is that???!!!
Had a quick coffee with my ex manager and colleague yesterday and someone suggested that maybe i should try my hand at Marketing. Apparently all you need is the desire to learn and work hard. Which i don't think i have any problems with...hmmm...definitely something to think about i reckon. I am extremely tempted solely on the basis of experiencing something new. After all, what have i got to lose right?
If anything i have everythng to gain...and if i find that it's not for me, i can always change skill group again. Then at least i can say that i've tried it and didn't like it...right?? Oh well..i'll ponder on it and see how it goes.
Alright peeps, time for me to get my day started.
Have a great day people :)
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