It's an effort to leave early sometimes (what with work demands and all that) but sometimes (for me on Tuesdays) you just have to say fuck it and leave. It will all still be there tomorrow (no matter how much you will it not to). And to be honest, by the time i get home, i am physically and mentally exhausted and sometimes the last thing i want is to stretch (no pun intended haha) myself even more.
But forcing my arse in gear to head there anyway always comes with benefits. The general well-being i get after a gruelling session of yoga is excellent. The peace of mind and the harmony that your mind is tuned to your body is uncomparable...
And at the last session, i actually accomplished something :). I got up to do a headstand on my own!!! I've been doing the headstand for a while now but always with assistance. I can't for some reason teach my body how to do it on its own. But i did yesterday..well, very nearly anyway. I was told by my yoga instructor that my body is very much ready for the posture, i've just got to get out of the habit of relying on that helping hand.
This is why i love it. Even after having done it for a few years, there are still things to achieve, things to learn. And you can actually track the progress of your body, track its changes, track its strength. And track your ability to do something you've tried but never able to do before.
So to those who are thinking whether or not to pick up yoga, i definitely recommend it. It's the one thing i've stuck to doing consistently (unlike any other aspects of my life, unless you count smoking and drinking).
By the way, this is a headstand (so not me by the way) :)

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