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Tuesday, July 24, 2007

My Weekend Getaway...

I really should be sleeping you know...it's like 11.30 pm and i've just (well..not JUST!) come back from a gruelling yoga session, which will result in me walking like i've just given birth tomorrow, and chances are i'll be all sleepy and moody but what the hell...

Anyways, i went to Melaka at the weekend for a quick little break, and it was great!! I think the main appeal was the idea that we were out of KL, which meant no distractions and it was someplace completely new. I guess it's safe to say it was a non-reminder of KL.

Melaka is a quaint little town really with a lot of historic sites to visit. The one bummer though was that the weather was pretty crappy although to be fair, i still managed to take quite a few photos.

(crappy weather!!)

*more pics in Flickr* (can't put any more pics in..was getting an error message...damn it!!)

Although i was told he was being dragged everywhere haha!! Oh well..the price one pays for being a model!!!

But anyway, the photo taking thingy is great i tell you!! It's so much fun just snapping at anything and everything! I've got a wedding this weekend and i can't wait to take more photos.

Of course, i'm looking forward to the wedding too, don't get me wrong. It'll be a beautiful affair i reckon, with the registration taking place at the pool-side of a very nice hotel.

Alright, i'm tired and it's time for bed. Laters :)

Friday, July 20, 2007

For The Sake of The Date....

that i'm writing this blog entry...

"Lame" i hear you say...but hey...better to be lame than...anything else that you're thinking of haha..

Yup, it's 20072007 today :).. gosh...i gained so much pleasure from typing that...yup...i definitely need to get a life!!!

This week has been considerably better than the last few weeks. I can feel myself slowly getting back on the mend from the utterly bizarre and unexplained PMT-like mood i've been in recently.

The funny thing is though, Friday comes and i did the one thing i haven't done in almost 2 years...i overslept!!! And when i say overslept, i mean OVERSLEPT!!! I start work at 8am and there i was, sleeping like there's no tomorrow, and woke up (i could hear birds chirping outside my window) at 8.30 am, to a bright and what seemed to be airy room.

It actually took me a while to gather my bearings as to what was going on...i laid there assimilating the situation...it's already bright, which means the sun's up, which means i don't have to go to work today?? Hey...it's Saturday, which means i can go back to sleep!!

Then all the work i had planned in my head the night before appreared gradually in my mind...if you can imagine having one of those light switches with a knob that controls brightness...then imagine turning that knob slowly to its maximum...that's exactly what happened in my head...

With some curses and swear words that could put a sailor to shame, i jumped out of bed, texted my boss and got ready in absolute record time, only to get stuck in traffic. Why the hell is there traffic at 9.30 in the morning? Don't everyone start work at 9??? WHY IS THERE TRAFFIC???

Anyway, at 10 am i sauntered into the office (trying not to look as harried as i feel) only to find that i just can't seem to get my mind in sync with everything i have planned for the day...sigh...just one of them days i guess.

But anyway, all ok now as it almost 7 and i'm at work blogging haha. Have a good weekend everyone :)

Friday, July 6, 2007

TGI Fridayyyyyyy.....

Yeayyyyy....!!!! The amount of relief i feel is indescribable. It's ridiculous how you live for the weekend. This is what it's all about isn't it? Life sometimes feel like an endless cycle of weekdays/weekends/weekdays/weekends....

Sometimes i wonder if this is all we have to look forward to. I'm not trying to be a kill-joy and all but sometimes...it's a thought that passes through my mind quite often actually. So this is how it's going to be for years and years to come??

You go through Monday to Friday and then come the great relief that is the weekend, then you go through the cycle again, on and on like a broken record??

There must be more to it than this right? I didn't come out of a few years living in a dark hole just so i can live a life that's mindless and cyclical right??

I'm not unhappy, mind you, far from it. There are a lot of things happening in my life that i am thankful and happy about. But i find my day-to-day living sometimes a little...uneventful maybe...a little mindless...with no real fulfillment...not one that i can look back on in 10 years time and be completely satisfied with anyway.

Hmmm...it makes me feel a little detached sometimes. I sometimes find that it has the effect of numbing me a little...from what i'm not too sure. I wonder what would happen to you if you numb a little everyday. Would you end being being heartless? With no emotions, no real feelings?

Sigh, sorry guys, don't mean to put a damper on your Friday. So let's do the monkey (chicken??) dance!! Hahaha!! I luurrvvveeee Fridays and i
luurrvvveeee the weekend cause i get to catch up on the sleep that so eludes me during the week.

So have a great weekend all!! :)

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Meet The Parents...

The funny story is of course, of the guy i'm going out with meeting my dad for the first time..on a hangover no less!! In hindsight it's fucking hilarious. At the time...it's safe to say that it was a nightmare coming true.

I'm sure this is one of the "don'ts" of meeting the parents that you read about in magazines.

But anyway, the plan this weekend is to meet my other set of parents. The mother and stepfather. Both are cool (and ex-hippies) so i'm not overly worried.

But even so, as i was talking about this to a friend earlier, i'm still a little nervous. I mean obviously he's a nice guy and all (with the exception of the annoying factor yesterday but I WON'T THINK ABOUT IT!!!), but you're still a little worried because ultimately, you want your parents to approve of the guy you're with right?

I laugh when i think back about all the guys my parents had to endure..for the sake of their daughter's happiness.

Just before my ex, i was dating this dude with long (and extremely curly!!) hair, played in a band (plays bass guitar), drinks everyday, swears, smokes, works as a chef and is constantly skint. He was a sweetheart though mind you, and was nice to me, which is the most important thing i think. But my parents' eyes almost came out of their sockets when they first met him.

Then came my ex, buff, bald, heavily tattooed, had facial piercings, plays the drums, and they almost had a heart attack!!! But again, despite everything i found out, he had a good heart i think, and my parents absolutely loved him in the end.

You think back and you laugh, you ask yourself what the hell were you thinking and more often than not, you scoff at your idealistic, juvenile thinking and behaviour. But juvenile or not, rose-tinted glass or not, they were good times. They were bad times, of course, but they were good ones as well.

So i'm learning not to be a cynic. Not to be tainted by things i didn't know existed then. It doesn't matter right? At the end of the day, it is where you are now that counts.

So anyway, back to my parents...i know they have disapproved (countless times) of my actions in the past but the beauty about it all of course, is that they still love you anyway. Unconditional love, which you get from no one other than your parents.

Which is why i suppose, it's important that they approve. I've learned a long time ago to not live under anyone's approval as my life is only mine to live. But this will just complete the little circle that is my life that i am attempting to rebuild. It's taken a while and i know it is no where near finished but everyday helps just that little bit.

So anyway, i'm off to take pictures soon, will hopefully get some great shots and post them up!! :)

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Ramble Shame...

I've been sitting here for who knows how long wondering what to write. Not that i'm suddenly out of words, quite the contrary, i just have too much on my mind, too much to say.

So i figured what the hell, start writing and see where it takes me.

So i'll start from yesterday..we all know how we dread the much hated Mondays...Mine was exceptionally bad. The first thing i did was screwed-up. And i mean screwed-up..in my eyes i fucked up big time. When i'm feeling particularly generous towards myself i can tell myself that everyone makes mistakes, we're human after all.

But i also know it was something totally avoidable...

Oh well...i guess we all have to move on one way or another and i'm working towards that now.

So the past 2 days have pretty much been a flurry of activities at work. You know that feeling when all the days seem to be merging? Before long you're actually losing track of days and you come to a stop one day wondering what day of the week you're on?

I have that problem especially with my weekends. I try to think back about my weekend and all i can remember are drunken antics...oh and not to forget the hangovers of course. But even those seem to be merging into a long life of hangover living...sigh..

Damn i'm rambling.

Hmmm..maybe i should stop drinking..haha..let's scrap that idea straight-away...how else am i going to de-stress at weekends??

However, ciggies are at an all-time high (obviously!) at 8 bucks a packet!! What the hell are they trying to do? Kill us all?? (uh...was that a stupid question??)

But seriously, that's cut-throat i tell you. It's enough to make you want to stop smoking..although to be fair, i'm still waiting for that urge to come along..and so far, i'm still waiting.

The next thing you know they'll ban smoking in pubs and stuff like they're doing in Europe..*gasp*horror*!!! Then we'll all have to move to China cause they never ban anything there other than English films...

So anyway...my picture taking hobby is coming along fine. It has had a great rest really, sitting in that bag pretty much ever since i bought it. Soooo want to take pictures but to be honest, i'm finding it a little difficult lately trying to balance all other aspects of my life.

But i can't complain really. Things are working out nicely. And August is coming soon...

Hopefully inside myself i can start afresh then.

Ok peeps, enough rambling for tonight :)