Anyways, i went to Melaka at the weekend for a quick little break, and it was great!! I think the main appeal was the idea that we were out of KL, which meant no distractions and it was someplace completely new. I guess it's safe to say it was a non-reminder of KL.
Melaka is a quaint little town really with a lot of historic sites to visit. The one bummer though was that the weather was pretty crappy although to be fair, i still managed to take quite a few photos.
Although i was told he was being dragged everywhere haha!! Oh well..the price one pays for being a model!!!
But anyway, the photo taking thingy is great i tell you!! It's so much fun just snapping at anything and everything! I've got a wedding this weekend and i can't wait to take more photos.
Of course, i'm looking forward to the wedding too, don't get me wrong. It'll be a beautiful affair i reckon, with the registration taking place at the pool-side of a very nice hotel.
Alright, i'm tired and it's time for bed. Laters :)
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