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Thursday, July 5, 2007

Meet The Parents...

The funny story is of course, of the guy i'm going out with meeting my dad for the first time..on a hangover no less!! In hindsight it's fucking hilarious. At the time...it's safe to say that it was a nightmare coming true.

I'm sure this is one of the "don'ts" of meeting the parents that you read about in magazines.

But anyway, the plan this weekend is to meet my other set of parents. The mother and stepfather. Both are cool (and ex-hippies) so i'm not overly worried.

But even so, as i was talking about this to a friend earlier, i'm still a little nervous. I mean obviously he's a nice guy and all (with the exception of the annoying factor yesterday but I WON'T THINK ABOUT IT!!!), but you're still a little worried because ultimately, you want your parents to approve of the guy you're with right?

I laugh when i think back about all the guys my parents had to endure..for the sake of their daughter's happiness.

Just before my ex, i was dating this dude with long (and extremely curly!!) hair, played in a band (plays bass guitar), drinks everyday, swears, smokes, works as a chef and is constantly skint. He was a sweetheart though mind you, and was nice to me, which is the most important thing i think. But my parents' eyes almost came out of their sockets when they first met him.

Then came my ex, buff, bald, heavily tattooed, had facial piercings, plays the drums, and they almost had a heart attack!!! But again, despite everything i found out, he had a good heart i think, and my parents absolutely loved him in the end.

You think back and you laugh, you ask yourself what the hell were you thinking and more often than not, you scoff at your idealistic, juvenile thinking and behaviour. But juvenile or not, rose-tinted glass or not, they were good times. They were bad times, of course, but they were good ones as well.

So i'm learning not to be a cynic. Not to be tainted by things i didn't know existed then. It doesn't matter right? At the end of the day, it is where you are now that counts.

So anyway, back to my parents...i know they have disapproved (countless times) of my actions in the past but the beauty about it all of course, is that they still love you anyway. Unconditional love, which you get from no one other than your parents.

Which is why i suppose, it's important that they approve. I've learned a long time ago to not live under anyone's approval as my life is only mine to live. But this will just complete the little circle that is my life that i am attempting to rebuild. It's taken a while and i know it is no where near finished but everyday helps just that little bit.

So anyway, i'm off to take pictures soon, will hopefully get some great shots and post them up!! :)

1 comment:

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EMAIL: pcdesktop1@gmail.com