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Thursday, May 17, 2007

A Little Something...

This post actually started on Thursday night and continued on Friday morning...hence the different coloured text.

Finally!!! I have some me time which i don't seem to have much of nowadays (Naz, i got the "me time" thingy from you and i oh-so-love-it!!).

It's about 7 pm now and i think i'm just about done with work. Well...done for the day that is. I don't think there's ever a time when you'll finish work...our famous phrase is "never-ending" (girls...you so know what i mean..this is our gas chamber conversation!!).

But then again if you think about it, if you've got no work then you're pretty much redundant right? Oh well...i'll not dwell too much because everytime i start blogging i digress so much that i completely miss my point.

So i actually have the time (and the energy) to blog for the first time in ages. I think the last time was after the Mount Ledang trip. And mannnn...how all the sh*t that happened after that completely took away all the warm fuzzy feeling that you get after doing something exciting. But i won't go into that now either because i will so go on and on about it.

I'm looking forward to my trip to the UK in September. The best thing for me is that i get to see my friend (in the true sense) Charly, who was there for me the whole time i was there. She was with me through the craziest party times in the history of mankind, when i was working in the bar, and everything in between.

And obviously, i was there too when she was going through phases in her life. And now she's getting married. When she told me, my first reaction was joy. Then came the excitement cause i know i just wouldn't miss it for the world and that was the first thing i told her.

See, i digress. The next best thing for me is a BREAK!! A much needed one at that. I need to be someplace else for a while. So that i can come back hopefully refreshed and very much rejuvenated.

After 2 years (YESTERDAY!!) of working here, i'm beginning to learn so much about the working culture, the culture of the people, the corporate world and in a way, i'm also beginning to learn about the way i work and where i fit into everything. I don't have an answer (or even a rational explanation) about that yet, but at least it's not just an inkling..i have a sort of vague image in my head now.

Again i digress. So yeah, i am so looking forward to my trip although i was told yesterday that all ladies have to wear hats for the wedding.. a HAT!! I'm got an image of old English Ladies wearing ones made of straw with like a bunch of flowers pinned to it...oh and wearing lacy dresses...and clogs...and (heaven forbid) a corsage looking thing.

So yeah whatever, I'm now on the day after, thinking how the hell do i get my mind in the same frame as it was yesterday? Totally impossible obviously. Oh well...i think you guys get my drift yesterday anyway. To sum it up, yes, I am sooooo looking forward to my break.

Ok peeps, it's now Friday morning and i have a meeting at 9am (in about 40 mins) to about 5 (yeay...NOT). And it's gonna be on the review of OD's module (Level 2). I swear, OD's like the driest subject in history. It's good to know and all, but i think the concepts are a little difficult to grasp.

But then it's Friday so i guess it's ok. My vision for this weekend is to get as much zzzzz's as possible. And i'll be watching Spiderman 3 yeay...which so reminds me...i need to get the tickets online NOW!!

Have a great Friday people, and a fantastic weekend! :)

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